ScotWars - Scottish Military History and Re-enactment

Scottish Military HistoryWelcome to ScotWars, a portal to all things about the military history of Scotland, the current re-enactment of such, traders and references for all concerned with scottish military history before the 19th century. There are currently 182 pages of information within this site. The last amendment was on July 29, 2012

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Filiming Culloden for the National Trust - CLICK FOR MORE!


Image taken at Liverpool Military Show, May 2007, at Walton Hall Park. Image provided by Joan Lindsay of the Earl of Loudoun's Regt. Copyright held by Joan Lindsay. Artistic licence taken by ScotWars and Photoshop. CLICK HERE FOR MORE
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Image taken at Liverpool Military Show, May 2007, at Walton Hall Park. Image provided by Joan Lindsay of the Earl of Loudoun's Regt. Copyright held by Joan Lindsay. Artistic licence taken by ScotWars and Photoshop.

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Rab Taylor
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